My thoughts and musings on how to live a life beyond your wildest dreams
Just say no to the rest
Just say no to the rest. Get a picture in your mind of what you want to look like. Of what you want your home and life to look and feel like. Then take actions that will lead to that outcome and say no to the rest…
Love yourself
Love yourself. And do it fiercely. Love yourself so much that you feel safe to be yourself. That doesn’t mean you can’t improve. Or you should stop having a shower or cleaning your teeth. It just means Loving yourself. Love where and who you are…
Getting over your fears
A black and white cat walked into my garden the other day, I bent down to stroke its little head “Hello pretty” I said. “Oh my god, I just casually stroked a cat!” Was my next thought. This cliffhanger of a non-story may seem justifiably trivial to you but to me, it was a revelation…
Settling for crumbs
We’re all here to do, be, and have more. But in reality, if you drill that down to the core of it all. It’s that we want to feel happy. And I feel like I’ve hit Nirvana…
Booze, unhappiness, anxiety, and the ‘can’t be arsed’s’
As some of you know I moved house recently and I’m totally in love with it. I’ve been floating about thanking my lucky stars that I get to live my life…
6 easy steps to improve your mood
Feeling a bit meh?? Follow these easy steps, stick to them for 5 days and see your mood liiiift!. What are you putting in your mouth?
POEM | Nothing and Nobody
I’m nothing and I’m nobody. When will this end?? It’s what I would say. Again and again. I’m nothing and nobody…
The Work | LOVE, Part 2
“The absolute yearning of one human body for another particular body and its indifference to substitutes is one of life’s major Mysteries” - Iris Murdock (One of my favorite quotes ever!). I’d split from my boyfriend…
So many reasons
We all have so many reasons why something would make us give up. Or… really spur us on. The weird thing is, this something can be exactly the same ‘thing’. Some people are…
Meeting a new man
If you suspect you’ve been preventing yourself from meeting a new man, read this…
Incremental improvements can lead to monumental growth - Life, business... and running
Last year aged 51 I ran a self-navigation, fell marathon, 26 miles, 4000 ft of ascent, rough, technical terrain, and did the training in brutal winter conditions. Fortunately, race day was incredibly kind to us! (The universe smiles on you)…
A Thousand 1st Dates | LOVE, Part 1
I was single and unhappy about it so I did what lots of people do… I signed up to a dating site. There are hundreds of options on there, possibly thousands, so I commenced dating